The series explores the idea: ”simplicity of form and complexity of relationship” - the notion that although things may appear as simple they have the capacity to develop very complex relationships with one another and that these complexities will find a stabilized state of being. -
The CorTen steel outer surfaces represent “Euclidean” geometric forms, suggesting mathematical perfection to the exterior while the interior surfaces reflect breaks, tears and scars—metaphors for the human experience. The true beauty of life and this work lies not in the outer perfected geometry, but in the reflective polished stainless steel breaks that act as mirrors of our chaotic inner selves.” -
Liquid State
The Liquid State series explores an extended conversation around geometric forms morphed and softened through the applied will of the artist. The fascination by the idea that we can focus our attention on the liquidity of light rather than of matter is what drives this series. Thus each work within this series’ curvatures of the polished metal dance with light to create a liquid appearance. -
Flow State
Flow State explores ideas of ego dissolution and the state of consciousness it accesses. -
Torn Steel
Jonathan Prince is fascinated by forms that have had their surfaces interrupted by a break or fracture. Broken surfaces are inherent to the properties of stone - but not of steel. As his studio practice has intensified its interest in steel fabrication, he has developed a technique that emulates the look of a fractured stone surface in metal - which he refers to as “Torn Steel”. -
The series looks at the part that erosion plays in the formation of the earth’s surface topography and how that erosive patterns follow the laws of physics as they create naturally occurring mathematical fractals. -
The Turbulence Series explores the ways that an external force can apply enough energy to disrupt what is seemingly perfect and organized. Each of these pieces begin with a perfected geometric form and through varying degrees of external pressure the forms are compressed and distorted in response. -
In this body of work, Prince explores quiet and mysterious in-between moments, negative spaces, and dark matter. Each three-dimensional form represents both the present, light reactant materials and the empty spaces from which matter comes into existence. -
In the digital world smooth surfaces are actually made up of blocks called pixels that fool the eye into thinking a line is a continuous curve. This series of sculptures looks at the traditionally smooth and undulating topology found in Prince's work and breaks the usual liquid-like surfaces into a pixelated array. -
Gel State
Scientifically - the Gel State is a non-fluid colloidal network. My work explores the idea that things we see may not be what they appear as liquid is actually solid, animated is static, transparent is opaque, solid is hollow. -
Wave Form
Jonathan Prince’s Wave Form series captures the topography of our oceans’ surfaces and the effects that weather has upon it in the solid form of stainless steel. Prince is working with data provided by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and NASA reuniting him with the two organizations he had previously worked with on the Hologlobe Project he created for the Smithsonian Institution. "The connection to NOAA and NASA is important to me as I have a strong sense that the work will resonate with the scientific community as well as the art world and attract attention to the beauty and importance of our oceans." -
A "Fragment" is a part of something - broken off or detached. Jonathan Prince is fascinated by the reinterpretation of human-made objects, which may give information about the culture of its creator and/or users. Many of the sculptures resemble objects that we recognize as familiar forms but, remain enigmatic as to their utility. The "Fragments" may at first glance appear to be a broken portion of an ancient artifact however, further investigation may result in more questions than answers. -
This series looks at the ways our consciousness tries to organize the chaos around us into a perfected container. -
States of Matter
"States of matter are the distinct forms that different phases of matter take on. Solid, liquid, gas and plasma are the most common states of matter on earth.” In this new series of work, Prince is interested in exploring the boundaries that define the way we perceive material and the way we believe it should behave. -
This series explores Prince’s longstanding fascination with the transcendent and the connections between what many refer to as “heaven” and earth. -
"The phrase "form follows function" was coined by architect Louis H. Sullivan in 1896 and has always remained within limits for me a design parameter that feels authentic. I also feel that beauty follows function as well in that it seems the more functional a piece is the more beautiful it becomes to the beholder”. Each piece is individual and handmade, made to order only. -
The series continues the studio’s investigation into materials behaving in unexpected ways. Stretch really refers to Young's Modulus or the Modulus of Elasticity: For example - a piece of glass would stretch when heated sufficiently but stainless steel or concrete could not typically be manipulated in the same method.